Summary of Baba Masha’s Book: Microdosing Amanita Muscaria

Summary of Baba Masha’s Book: Microdosing Amanita Muscaria

Journal Contents:

  • Microdosing Study
  • Overall Results
  • Drawbacks of the Study
  • Conclusion


Amanita Microdosing Study

Recently details on an observational study on microdosing AM was published in a book aptly named “Microdosing with Amanita muscaria”. It was led by a Russian doctor under the pseudonym “Baba Masha” and involved the participation of 5,900 people, most living in Russia (where Amanita is easily accessible). The study ran for 2 years and accumulated data on 107 study questions all relating to the effects people experienced while microdosing Amanita muscaria.

credit: Baba Masha

The book is a great resource for learning more about how this mushroom affects us humans, so I'll dig into the results a bit.


The following are some of the most impressive results following the study:

AM microdose overall opinion

92% positive results

2% negative results

6% no results

AM microdose stability, dependency

74% stable effects after the course, planning to continue 

21% Effects are stable only during the consumption

5% Dependency, unstable condition without AM microdosing

Withdrawal after AM microdose course

74% no withdrawal

17% unbalanced mood

6% insomnia

3% other

Condition after AM microdose course

75% felt great

22% condition returned to previous

3% condition worse than before

Overall opinion on AM microdosing course

93% continue AM microdosing, plan to repeat it

7% quit AM microdosing because of negative symptoms

Depression, lack of energy and AM microdosing

79% positive effects

3% negative results

8% temporary relief

10% no results

Anti-depressants(AD) substituted with AM microdosing

89% great results

11% no results, return to AD

Substitution of anti-depressants(AD) with AM microdosing

60% quit AD cold turkey, positive effects

19% replaced AD gradually, positive effects

7% quit AD cold turkey, negative effects

14% replaced AD gradually, negative effects

Most commonly used phrases people used while microdosing for reduced depression included:

 Desire to live Balance and harmony calm joy of being strengthened inner voice
Reduced criticism and envy Reduced aggression Reassessment of priorities Disappearance of fears
Rethinking of mental trauma Normalization of criticism Paradigm shift Rethinking worldview attitudes
Change in style of thinking Exit of spiritual crisis Increased self-interest Improved communication
Reduced sense of inflated ego Disappearance of guild Reduced sadness

Increased self-confidence 


Mood enhancer with AM microdosing

88% vitality, energy

12% sleepiness

The most commonly used phrases people used who were taking AM for mood enhancement include: 

Balance  Bliss Body tone Cheerfulness
Burst of energy Calmness Creativity Deeper appreciation of nature, world, oneself
Desire to act Reduced irritability Disappearance of mental chatterbox  Ease of communication
Endurance Enhanced self-awareness Feeling of well being Disappearance of past and future worries
Firmness of intent Mood uplift Greater empathy Happiness
Improved focus Increased physical strength Mental clarity Peacefulness
Reduced anxiety Vitality

Creativity and AM microdosing

63% positive results

37% no changes

Sleep aid, AM microdosing

73% good night’s sleep

10% insomnia

17% no results

Autism and AM microdosing

77% positive effects

8% negative effects

15% no results

Arthritis and AM microdosing

70% positive effects

30% no results

The study also had some interesting results with regards to alcohol dependence. 

Alcohol addiction and AM microdosing

35% quit alcohol

50% positive effects

15% no results

Stability of AM microdose on alcohol consumption

89% stable effect

11% return to previous level of alcohol consumption after AMM

The results are pretty impressive, and any pharmaceutical drug would be more than happy to receive results like the ones above. However, we have to be cautious about looking into them too much because they were not gained from a randomized double blind study (the gold standard in the scientific community). 


Overall Results

Microdosing Amanita muscaria is where the magic happens. When treated with respect and patience, the benefits you can gain from working with Amanita are incredible. In general, there are two polar effects gained from microdosing Amanita muscaria, depending on when people consume it in the day.

  • When microdosed in the morning, people report gaining a rush of energy, a mood boost, calmness, a feeling of feel-being and the reduction of a mental chatterbox and anxiety.

  • When microdosed in the evening, people report falling asleep easily and having vivid, realistic and fantastical dreams. The next morning they wake up feeling well rested and lively.

Drawbacks of the Study

No matter how much time, effort and money is put into a scientific study, none are perfect. The reality is that the universe is too large and too complex for us to get a perfect snapshot of any reality. So although Baba Masha’s study is large and has a lot of data, it comes with some inherent imperfections.

Some of the drawbacks:

  1. Participants in the study were self selected (meaning they chose to microdose Amanita themselves)
  2. They knew what substance they were taking (possible placebo effects)
  3. Not every participant answered every study question (possible bias). 



However, there currently are no double blind studies on the effects of microdosing Amanita muscaria. Baba Masha’s study is the most objective compilation of benefits of AM microdosing we have. It’s also a great jumping off point for future scientific studies, particularly on topics that had the most impressive results (like depression, sleep, and autism).


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